Give Me Peace

Dear God,

I went to the dentist today, and received the news I was most afraid to receive. I have to have a tooth pulled. I know that's not such a big deal in the scheme of things, but for me it's a big freakin' scary deal!

It hit me hard at first. I shook, I broke out into a sweat, and when I was alone I cried. Thursday is the day of the extraction, and I'm feeling okay now. Mostly.

I've known enough, long enough, about how you work to know that I should be careful how I pray! When I asked you to make me strong, I didn't mean I wanted situations to come my way in which I'd have the opportunity to develop strength. No, God, I meant I want you to wave your magic wand and make me different, in an instant. I so wish you worked that way.

I can see, that a tooth extraction really is a small thing compared to all the things I could have to endure, and I can see that when I come through it, I will have a little more confidence in my ability to deal with challenges. I can see it, but I don't have to like it, do I?

So, today, I'm asking you to help me to not dwell on my fear but to remember that I really am a strong person. I've given birth, after all! If I can handle that a little tooth should be a breeze, right? Help me to keep this in perspective, to not let it become a big monster in my life. In the dentist's chair, help me to not cry, help me to be peace, right there, in that moment, and I'm talking about the kind of peace Jesus had in the middle of the storm when he slept while his homies were freaking out. Let me be peaceful, like Jesus.
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