
Dear God,

I'm feeling overwhelmed by life, which makes me feel silly because I'm not dealing with any major crises, just the regular stuff people deal with, getting their kids to school on time, paying the bills, making dentist and doctor appointments, trying to get dinner on the table and laundry put away. I have a few annoying, but not life threatening health issues that bring me down (still hoping for answers and or a complete healing, still hoping! Please, God?) It all seems so hard, though. Why do I have such a difficult time coping? Why do I want to run away or hide under my covers?

I'm ashamed to say, though, that if I weren't feeling overwhelmed and scared, I don't think I'd be talking to you right now. Fear and a need to find peace has always been my biggest spiritual motivator. Without those things, I just go about my hedonistic, pleasure seeking, way. But life isn't at all pleasing right now, and those "comforts" that help me escape have a way of making things worse.

Please forgive me for ignoring you so much of the time. I know I've asked a thousand times to be forgiven for that, and as fickle as I am, you are faithful. I know you love and understand me. I don't know why you made me this way, so neurotic, so easily overwhelmed, but maybe I'm being unkind. I wish I could see myself the way you see me.

Please help me this week as I deal with appointments to try and get some of this health stuff worked out. I'm afraid. Make me strong. Give me peace. Help me feel better physically so I can get on with tackling some of the things I've been running away from. I need strength. I need hope.

Help me, please.

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